Artists' Television Access


Saturday, October 21, 2017, 8:30 pm, $7

Industrials amok! Here’s a jaw-dropping 16mm compilation of our most time-warped titles–educational, informational, and promotional films that together map out the real underside of 20C film production. These preposterous shorts—at times excerpted to foreground their sublimely ridiculous essence—come from that great mass of non-fiction films produced for extra-theatrical audiences—schools, churches, corporate groups—for the promulgation of certain ideas and products. Over these eight decades, their retrograde ideologies and modes of address have become increasing exposed, naked to the eye, like grotesque fossil skeletons in a paleo-media boneyard. Curated by Craig Baldwin, this uncanny initiative mines the most mind-melting filmic artifacts from OC’s 4000-plus, including Little Oscar Meyer, sex-ed, bed-wetting, noise cults, religious ecstasies, car fantasias, tech obsessions, ad absurdum. And beers for a buck! 

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