Artists' Television Access

MadCat Women’s International Film Festival : Cut Snip Ooze

Contemporary Animated Films by Women

Friday, October 3, 2003, 8:00 pm, $7-

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Cut Snip Ooze: Contemporary Animated Films by Women

This collection of animated and optically manipulated films investigates unsolved crimes and medical mysteries.

Chronicles of an Asthmatic Stripper Sarah Jane Lapp
2002 5 min Color, 35mm US East Bay Premiere
Lapp¹s 1500 simple and stunning drawings, combined with Mark Dresser¹s
contrabass solo score bring to life a set of ill-equipped lungs in
Chronicles of an Asthmatic Stripper.

Anorexie Jenni Tietze
1999 13 min Color 16mm Germany US Premiere
With biting humor and dry sarcasm, Anorexie is not a typical film about
eating disorders. Tietze posits anorexia as a murderer with the organization
United Diets as its accomplice.

Cut Snip Ooze Marianna Ellenberg
2003 5 min Color 16mm US West Coast Premiere
The vibrant colors of unidentifiable organic matter pulsate and create a
state of anxious, meditative beauty in Cut Snip Ooze.

Monkeys and Lumps Nancy Andrews
2003 38 min b/w 16mm US West Coast Premiere
Performance artist, puppeteer and filmmaker Nancy Andrews¹s new film Monkeys
and Lumps chronicles Ima Plume, a public illustrator or ³chalk-talk
specialist.² In her spare time, Plume examines nonhuman life forms called
³globsters.² Andrews successfully combines intricate and
beautifully-rendered hand-drawn animation and puppetry with live-action
elements and optically-printed found footage of Jane Goodall.

Cows Gabriela Golder
2002 4 min Color Beta SP Argentina US Premiere
Utilizing video effects Golder reveals a gory feeding frenzy.

monstruo Carolina Esparragoza
2002 2:22 min Color Mini DV Mexico US Premiere
monstruo is a brief and eerily animated video which imagines a monster¹s

Historia del Desierto Celia Galan Julve
2002 6 min Color Beta UK
Spanish with English subtitles
Julve creates a stop-motion work of art with Historia del Desierto. This
striking ³documentary² reveals the brutal crimes of fictitious character
Rosita Guzman, a.k.a La Mocha, who kept the police and her acquaintances
guessing about her dexterous abilities for over forty years.

”MadCat tests, expands, and evolves the traditional, politically
motivated, 20th Century definition of the women¹s film festival.” (The
Independent Film and Video Monthly)
415 436-9523

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