Preceded by: Refutation of All the Judgments, Pro or Con, Thus Far Rendered on the Film 'The Society of the Spectacle'
Friday, October 5, 2007, 8:00 pm, $6-
Guy Debord’s fourth film still stirs debate today, It uses a soundtrack of excerpts from his most renowned Situationist text “Society of the Spectacle” and a collage of documentary, still image and detourned movie clips.
The English-subtitled version that has previously circulated is so dense that one cannot attend to the delicate, blasphemous and ironic montage at all. Tonight’s English version of the film uses Ken Knabb’s authorized translation of the script, read as voiceover by Dore Bowen and with video ripped, edited and produced by Hugo Ball Room Labs. Now you can watch and hear the whole film.
The Society of the Spectacle will be preceded by Debord’s short, Refutation of All the Judgments, Pro or Con, Thus Far Rendered on the Film ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ (subtitles by Keith Sanborn). Refutation will show at 8:00 PM sharp. The Society of the Spectacle will show at 8:30 PM, followed by questions and discussion.