Artists' Television Access

Author Archives: Fara

CCSF Experimental Film Class final projects

Please join us for a screening of new experimental films from CCSF students. Video, 16mm film, direct animation, collaborative and solo work by Leslie Alarcon Garces, Sergio Almonte, Ivy Anderson, Jett Astrachan, Wyatt Brooks, Quete Disney, Howard Gelman, Preston Johnson, Emory Lewman, Elias Lignos, Nova Martinez, Liam McDonnell, Melissa Mohlenhoff, Leslie Munoz, Noemi Sotelo, Joey… Read more »

CCSF Advanced Cinematography Class Final Projects

Please join us for a screening of new films from CCSF’s Advanced Cinematography course. Collaborative work by Sergio Almonte, Ian Anderson, Karlo Aquino, Walter Cardillo, Brynn Casto, Niki Esfandiari, Nakia Findiantoro, Jave Gutierrez, Wesley House, Fiona Huynh, Issa Ibrahim, Eduardo Lopez, Elizabeth Lopez, Derek Magsanay, Nova Martinez, Leo Mastrotheodoros, DW McCormick, Joey Nelson, Raul Perez,… Read more »

Climate Change and Our Imaginations-Screening and Conversation with Greta Snider

For the past year, filmmaker Greta Snider has been working on a project exploring the coastal landscapes of San Francisco, using darkroom developers made from the solutions of our times – bay water, hand sanitizer, and “safe” detergent. Please join us for a screening of this work in progress and a conversation about how we… Read more »