Since the olden days, folks lucky enough to know about the OpenScreening on the first Thursday of each month have been receiving prizes. Yep, not only the gift of amazin’ movies made by yokels local and far-flung too, but actual prizes!!
So after y’all fill up on free wine n’ cheeses at them art galleries that are still left, hop on over to ATA’s OpenScreening the first Thursday night of each month. Iffin you bring a movie of your own makin’ come on in fer free. Otherwise it’s a triflin’ $5, why that’s almost nuthin!
Use the rest of the money you saved to help ATA git a new-fangled projector and speakers and all the trimmins needed to show shiny new movies and media. Do it now and yer money’ll be doubled, thanks to a challenge grant from the San Francisco’s Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund (VACF) to help us cover the costs of needed equipment and upgrades (thank you, Citizens of San Francisco!). There’s a hurdle: we have to raise matching funds first in order to get the VACF funds.
If you’re interested in crossin the frontier into ATA’s 30th Anniversary, donate early – tonight, tomorrow, or over the weekend. The link is here: