Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 8:00 pm, $7, 0
This collection of shorts revolve around the thematics of longing, loss and the desire for another way of being. Through tropes of fantasy and science-fiction, often drawing attention to musical, aural and animated elements, the selected group of films and videos probes the poles of utopia and dystopia, revisits pasts lost, imagines futures found, and suggests temporal and spatial instability.
Hope/Alone, 2010 Christine Negus (1:30 mins)
we can’t see their shape from this far away, but we can hear them, 2009 Christine Negus (3 mins)
Dogs in Space, 2008, Kristin Anchor (4 mins)
I Can’t Feel My Face, 2011, Chris Naka (6 mins)
Myth of My Ancestors, 2008, Latham Zearfoss (4 mins)
Myth of My Ancestors (A Re/Creation Fable) is a short experimental video combining live action, animation, and an a cappella cover of The Cocteau Twins song, Carolyn’s Fingers, to revision the garden of Eden as a queer utopia.
If Their Be Thorns, 2012, Michael Robinson (13 mins)
A dark wave of exile, incest, and magic burns across the tropics, forging a knotted trail into the black hole. Three star-crossed siblings wander in search of one another as a storm of purple prose and easy listening slowly engulfs them.
Godass (Music Video for Alabaster Choad), 2013, Lark Buckingham (3 mins)
The Year I Broke My Voice, 2012, Madsen Minax (47 mins)
The Year I Broke My Voice is a video project built from interpretations and reenactments of three coming of age films: The Outsiders (1983), Stand By Me (1986), and The Year My Voice
Broke (1987), that re-approaches the master narrative of childhood’s transition into adulthood. This work positions a group of age and gender ambiguous characters in a vacant and post-industrial
landscape, in which they must forge relationships amongst one another. Misadventures such as cheating card games, attempts at hypnotism, haircuts by the blade of a pocket knife, and nighttime
spooning allow the characters to attempt knowing one another.