Friday, October 15, 2010, 7:00 pm
The 1st Annual San Francisco Immigrant Film Festival will be screening works that explore a wide array of issues facing the global immigrant community. These works showcase the lives of immigrants, exiles, and their pursuit of equality and social justice.
BORDER GATHERING 3mins, Adolfo Dávila García, HD, Mexico 2006, Doc.
A divided family get together around the fence between USA-Mexico.
SEXUAL EXILES 31mins, Irene Sosa, HD, USA 1999, Doc.
This video explores the impossibility of returning home for lesbians and gays once they have “come out” while living in exile.
389 MILES LIVING THE BORDER, 56mins, Luis Carlos Davis, DV, USA 2009, Doc. It presents the raw, daily life of human beings who come from different backgrounds and ideologies when it comes to immigration. One of the few things they all have in common is the border fence, steel wall or a strands of rusty barbed wire.