Artists' Television Access

Cut and Run: Evolution and Life of the Mind, Body, and Medium

Saturday, July 31, 2010, 8:00 pm, $6

We are born, we grow, we experience a world of our own perceptions. We wonder who we’re becoming, we are influenced and we experiment. We become responsible for how we develop. We can change and reshape who we are and what we know by the powers we grant ourselves. This Cut and Run series focuses on cycles of minds, bodies, and filmstrips. Each work represents a perspective of itself as one, in contrast to others. Experience a cinematic evolution through cycles of the mind, body, and medium in this montage from filmmakers throughout the world.

Films by:
Alberto Cabrera Bernal
Jo Dery
Richard Wiebe
Frederic Cousseau
Ray Rea
Sylvia Schedelbauer
Jodie Mack
Brenda Contreras
and others.