Artists' Television Access

ATA Staff Meeting

Monday, February 1, 2010, 7:00 pm

Feb 1st.2010 Monday 7 pm -9 pm all volunteer meeting.
here are the agenda items for the next ATA meeting (all-staff meeting!)

1) Tshirts. Are there any tshirts? Can we make more? Can we sell them?
2) Open Screening. How did the open screening on the 17th go? Ideas to make
open screening better?
3) Film Fest intern. This years film/video fest is looking for
volunteers/interns. Anyone interested? Any ideas?
4) Cleaning day. Let’s have regular cleaning days!
5) Dump. Can we take stuff from the back room to the dump? Who can help?
When will we do it? or should we just board up the back room.
6. Clarity of Volunteer responsibilities : all volunteers ability
or inability to sign up on the calendar for benefit of all the
.Volunteers responsibility to cover two screenings a month .
What is so hard about signing on to the calendar?
any ideas about volunteer duties.
7. can we have a regular screening night for volunteers to have
conversations about various topics? programming shows,etc etc.
8. i can’t think of any more , oh we have five new ata
volunteers so come
out an meet them.
9. If you can’t make it , try to come to the next one.