Artists' Television Access


Saturday, January 30, 2010, 7:30 pm, $6-$10

presented by The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the US National Committee for UNIFEM

call * responseCALL+RESPONSE is a documentary film that reveals the world’s 27 million dirtiest secrets: there are more slaves today than ever before in human history. CALL+RESPONSE goes deep undercover where slavery is thriving from the child brothels of Cambodia to the slave brick kilns of rural India to reveal that in 2007, Slave Traders made more money than Google, Nike and Starbucks combined.

In the film, Dr. Cornel West connects the music of the American slave fields to the popular music we listen to today, and offers this connection as a rallying cry for the modern abolitionist movement currently brewing. Several prominent musicians participate in the movie through their original songs.

info :

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the US National Committee for UNIFEM (UNIFEM/USNC) was launched in June of 2009.  UNIFEM is the United Nations Development Fund for Women, and it works on women’s rights and development issues across the globe.  We are committed to expanding support and raising funds within the United States for UNIFEM.  Through our efforts we hope to encourage ourselves and others to become involved in advancing women’s rights around the world.

If interested in learning more, please send us an email at

*About the Film Series:*

This monthly film series will look at women’s rights and development issues. Each month, a film that touches on one of the four themes of UNIFEM (The United Nations Development Fund for Women) will be selected.  These four themes are:

– enhancing women’s economic security and rights,
– ending violence against women,
– reducing the prevalence of HIV and AIDS among women and girls, and
– advancing gender justice in democratic governance in stable and fragile states.

After each film, a discussion will be held that focuses on the issue being highlighted and what local Bay Area organizations are doing to address that issue.