Sunday, August 17, 2008, 8:00 pm
Late one night, a stranger knocks at the door of the Clementine residence (and laboratory…). Industriously sending eggs into outer space, sharpening knives, and engaging in higher mathematics, Mr. and Mrs. Clementine are suddenly called to live up to their vow: “We will harbor any fugitive, and ask questions later.”
When later finally arrives, these questions may include: ‘Will Mr. Clementine retire?’; ‘When did Mrs. Clementine know she would never play sports professionally?’; And most importantly: ‘Is the fortune-cookie delivery-woman at the door really who she seems?’
The Missoula Oblongata is an experimental theater company dedicated to creating and touring original work that defies the conventions and constrictions of conventional contemporary theatre. The company’s DIY approach to lighting, sound, and set creation combines refined performances with artfully assembled “found” design schemes which, in the words of The Edmonton Sun, “…transform the stage into a place of magic.”
This summer, The Missoula Oblongata premieres ‘The Last Hurrah of the Clementines’, an original play by Madeline ffitch and Donna Sellinger, with a live musical score by Travis Sehorn of the band Pebblelight.
‘The Last Hurrah of the Clementines’ will tour to the Berkshire Fringe Festival, Bedlam Theater in Minneapolis, Puppet Uprising in Philadelphia, and Baltimore’s Whartscape and Artscape, before making its way west!
“Witty writing and sharp acting…a visual delight…”
–The City Pages, Minneapolis