ANSWER Film Series
Thursday, July 7, 2005, 7:30 pm, $5
The Greening of Cuba
When trade relations with the socialist bloc collapsed in 1990, Cuba lost 80 percent of its pesticide and fertilizer imports and half its petroleumthe mainstays of its highly industrialized agriculture. Challenged with growing food for 11 million in the face of the continuing US embargo, Cuba embarked on the largest conversion to organic farming ever attempted. Told in the voices of the women and menthe campesino, researchers, and organic gardenerswho are leading the organic agriculture movement, The Greening of Cuba reminds us that developed and developing nations alike can choose a healthier environment and still feed their people.38min. 1996, Spanish with English subtitles.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre (Forever Until Victory)
This film by Cuban director Santiago Alvarez contains televised speeches by Ernesto Che Guevara, intercut with photographs and footage from the hills of Bolivia. In one speech, Che discusses the importance of the Cuban revolution to Latin America and the role of the United States in perpetuating poverty in Bolivia. 1965, 28min., Spanish with English subtitles