recent videos by Kyle Harris
Saturday, June 14, 2003, 8:00 pm, $5
Anarcho Country Cinema merges anarchist politics with traditional old time themes of heartbreak, love, labor, social protest, crime, and revolution. The program challenges the assumptions that cinema has to be made with lots of money, that art has to be geared towards major urban centers, and that movies have to provoke emotion over thought. Whether destroying stolen images from classical movies, dismembering pictures of his family and friends, or finding insight within the texts of a terrorist, Harriss movies attempt to undermine binary assumptions and create unlikely, unwilled collaborations.
Chicago based artist Kyle Harris is a teacher, media activist, curator, and video maker. He is currently touring Anarcho Country Cinema to venues across the United States. Harris curates with the nomadic microcinema Discount Cinema, executes public art projects with Chicago County Fair, facilitates workshops for youth media activists at Video Machete, and teaches film aesthetics at Columbia College. His work has shown in museums, festivals, microcinemas, bars, and living rooms internationally.