Terrorized Into Being Consumers
Thursday, January 1, 1970, 12:00 am, $7000sex dolls in the US, SURPLUS explores the destructive nature of consumerculture. Stunning editing and breathtaking cinematography turns the notionthat 20% of the world is gobbling up 80% of its resources from purestatistics into an overwhelming emotional experience.The world was shocked when young protesters in Seattle, Genoa andGothenburg attacked shop windows, cars and banks. SURPLUS sets off on aworld journey seeking the answer to the question: why is the lifestyle ofconsumerism a source of such rage today? Against a familiar backdrop ofcynical world leaders, corporate captains and Microsoft fanatics, the filmfocuses on the controversial anti-globalization guru John Zerzan, whosecall for property damage has inspired many to take to the streets.Whispered Media offers video witnessing, support and training, collectsarchival political footage, and produces video and audio works aboutspecific grassroots and global campaigns and organizations. WhisperedMedia produced the award winning documentaries "The Pie's the Limit","Boom: The Sound of Eviction" and the recent collaboration "We InterruptThis Empire.". SURPLUS is the first film to screen in a new, monthly,screening series., 0
Door at 7:30pm.
“This Swedish muckraker is another must-see”
Seattle Weekly
“Surplus is an open declaration of war on terror. We are terrorized into
being consumers” Adbusters Magazine
Consumer confidence has been low since September 11. A quick war against
Iraq was supposed to be the only way to restore that confidence – and our
happiness. But is shopping our salvation? Do we have a choice?
Whispered Media is proud to screen SURPLUS: TERRORIZED INTO BEING
CONSUMERS by Swedish filmmaker Erik Gandini. SURPLUS screens Thursday,
December 18th and Friday, December 19th at 8pm at Artists Television
Access in San Francisco. Proceeds benefit the Argentina Independent Media
Center and Whispered Media.
SURPLUS is an intense visual odyssey filmed for over three years in eight
different countries. From the explosive riot days in Genoa 2001 to
sex dolls in the US, SURPLUS explores the destructive nature of consumer
culture. Stunning editing and breathtaking cinematography turns the notion
that 20% of the world is gobbling up 80% of its resources from pure
statistics into an overwhelming emotional experience.
The world was shocked when young protesters in Seattle, Genoa and
Gothenburg attacked shop windows, cars and banks. SURPLUS sets off on a
world journey seeking the answer to the question: why is the lifestyle of
consumerism a source of such rage today? Against a familiar backdrop of
cynical world leaders, corporate captains and Microsoft fanatics, the film
focuses on the controversial anti-globalization guru John Zerzan, whose
call for property damage has inspired many to take to the streets.
Whispered Media offers video witnessing, support and training, collects
archival political footage, and produces video and audio works about
specific grassroots and global campaigns and organizations. Whispered
Media produced the award winning documentaries “The Pie’s the Limit”,
“Boom: The Sound of Eviction” and the recent collaboration “We Interrupt
This Empire.”. SURPLUS is the first film to screen in a new, monthly,
screening series.
SURPLUS: http://www.atmo.se/zino.aspx?pageID=4&articleID=382
For more information, the public can call Whispered Media at (415) 789
8484 or visit http://www.whisperedmedia.org.