Artists' Television Access


Sunday, June 7, 2015, 5:00 pm, $7-$10,

A Visual & Music Poetry Reading

Fabiano Alborghetti is a Swiss poet, author of five collections of poetry as well as numerous limited editions art-books and plaquettes. His poems are translated in 10 languages and he’s considered the most influential Swiss representative of the “novel in verse” as well as “detective poetry” genres. He was awarded the Pro Helvetia Literature grant in 2008 and 2014.  Among his published works, for the past ten years he wrote original plays, literary criticism and book reviews for periodicals, newspapers and internet media. He created poetry formats for journals, web, radio and promoted special poetry projects in jails, schools and hospitals He published several books of poetry, Verso Buda (Faloppio, LietoColle, 2004), L’opposta riva (Faloppio, LietoColle, 2006), Registro dei fragili – 43 Canti (Bellinzona, Casagrande, 2009), Supernova (Forlì, Edizioni L’Arcolaio, 2011), L’opposta riva – dieci anni dopo (Edizioni La Vita Felice, 2013)

For the past ten years he wrote original plays, literary criticism and book reviews for periodicals, newspapers and internet media.

He also signed poetry formats for journals, web, radio and promoted special poetry projects in jails, schools and hospitals. He has represented Switzerland at literary festivals and cultural events worldwide.

Today we are honorific to enjoy the live lecture from  ‘The opposite shore’  and “Directory of Vulnerable’. The opposite Shore about illegal immigrants (based in Italy but coming from the Balkans, North Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Europe) with whom the author spent 3 years to collect their stories.

‘Directory of the Vulnerable’ , with a painful lucidity Alborghetti tries to comprehend and, yet again, he chooses direct observation and personal exploration, not so much of the protagonists of the drama, who are unavailable (or describable only in the distorting mirrors of journalists’ disinformation) but of the place which by way of allegory, contains and channels the tragedy. the author follows the customers, and families in particular;  he spies on their choices, movements, records fragments of their dialogues, their likely dreams, their inevitable catastrophes: he does this within the concrete reality of the shop, and the streets of the it y or the suburb, and also within the virtual reality of television and internet sites, via the cruel creation of spectacle that in recent decades has foraged hysterically in the sorrows.

Along the reading you will accompany the visuals of with Ryan Hooks and the music of violin and guitar of Kate Goldstein and Oscar Ugalde.

The Bay Area Book Festival it’s a free book festival and street fair with local, national and international authors ranging from Nobel laureates to genre writers. The first annual edition on Berkeley. San Francisco Bay Area is a legendary literary mecca and the global capital of innovation. It’s the perfect home for a world-class international book festival celebrating the past, present, and future of the book 150 local, national, and international authors will be reading, debating, signing, reading along the weekend. San Francisco Chronicle and KQED, and from the community partners around the region. | ||

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