Artists' Television Access

periwinkle april

Back by popular demand Hanky Code The Movie with special short film Cruising Elsewhere preceding. Bringing Queer Sexy back to San Francisco. Cruising Elsewhere Whatever happened to Wohler Beach? Oral histories and spectral pornography resurrect memories of a once legendary Russian River gay beach in this sexy short. Dir. Ryan White 13 Min. Hanky Code The MovieBefore Internet dating and hookup apps, The Handkerchief code was largely used by gay men in the 1970’s to distinguish sexual preferences and fetishes in gay clubs and on the streets of places like San Francisco and New York. In Hanky Code: The Movie, Periwinkle Cinema, San Francisco’s queer experimental film collective brings Queer and Trans filmmakers across a spectrum of genres, styles, genders, and locations to dissect the code in this epic anthology feature comprised of 25 short films! Each filmmaker or filmmaking team tells a story of a different color/fetish of the code. Films range from narrative to experimental to erotic and animated, with many films redefining the traditional code with colors, patterns, and fetishes up to creative interpretation of the artist. 84 MinFilms Include: Black – Flagging Black by Ivy Dykes Grey- Grey Is For Bondage by Lorin MurphyLight Blue- White Stripes by Lex Non-Scripta Blue Silver by Marie Walz – Light Blue by Ricky Lee – Teal Blue by Kolmel W – Love and Alex Albers -Red by Caitlin Rose Sweet and André
Azevedo – Maroon- HEMA by Ashley Monique George – Rose by Ilona Berger – Magenta by Gentry McShane – Purple by Anatomically Incorrect
Doll and Char VortryssLavender- L is For Lavender by Margarita
FemmeinistaYellow- Pee Colored by Katie BushPale Yellow- Spit by
Malic Amalya and Nathan HillGold- 2 looking for 1 by Jamie Evelyn
ManziOrange- Anything Goes by Stéphane GérardApricot- Apricot 4
Apricot by Courtney TroubleLime- grrrl with the most cake by
Jacqueline Mary and Violette DentataWhite Fur by Neve Be and Nikki
SilverFur by M. O'HerlihyGrey Flannel by Austin BoeSilver Sequins-
Flagging 4 Fashion by Moon Ray RaKleenex by Kico Le
StrangeHoundstooth- Mouth Wide Open by Siobhan
AluvalotIndigenous Luvvv by Demian DinéYazhiCredit sequence by
Lisa GanserTheme Song by nomy lamm

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