Sunday, December 4, 2011, 5:00 pm, $6-$10
Thirty years after the LeftWrite conference,Kaplan Harris sits down with the organizers of the conference to revisit some of the motivations, fractures and legacies of this seminal moment in Bay Area History.Kaplan Harris is writing a grassroots history of poetry and activism in the wake of the New Left. His recent work is found in American Literature, Contemporary Literature,Jacket, Jacket2, Open Letter, Paideuma, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Postmodern Culture, and Wild Orchids. He is also editing, with Peter Baker and Rod Smith, The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley for the University of California Press (2012). He lives in Buffalo, NY.
Robert Glück is the author of nine books of poetry and fiction, including Denny Smith, Clear Cut Press, 2003; and Jack the Modernist, High Risk Press, 1995. Critical articals appeared in Poetics Journal, The London Times Literary Supplement, Artforum International, and The Review of Contemporary Fiction. He writes for Nest: A Quarterly of Interiors. Gluck currently teaches at San Francisco State, was an Associate Editor at Lapis Press, Director of Small Press Traffic Literary Center, and Director of The Poetry Center at San Francisco State.
Bruce Boone’s published work includes– Karate Flower (1973), My Walk With Bob (1979 & reissued by Ithuriel’s Spear in 2006), Century of Clouds (1980 & reissued by Nightboat Books 2009), and with Robert Glück, La Fontaine (1981), The Truth About Ted (1984), and a variety of essays in small press journals. In addition, Boone has translated the work of Georges Bataille, including Guilty (1988) and On Nietzsche (1994), several works by Pascal Quignard, including On Wooden Tablets: Apronenia Avitia (1984) and Albucius (1992) and Jean Francois Lyotard’s Pacific Wall (1989).