presents NY Poets Nada Gordon and Gary Sullivan
Sunday, May 24, 2009, 8:00 pm, $8
Garden of Life
Tameiki no Odori
Nada Gordon and Gary Sullivan lead an evening of poly-vocal poetics, neo-benshi film narration, and mangled imagery.
Visiting the Bay Area live for one night only, the latter-day vaudeville team of Gordon and Sullivan will present their most recent poetry, performance and video work showcased last month (fresh!) at The Whitney Museum and Dixon Place in New York. Gordon and Sullivan are founding members of the notorious and irreverent Flarf Collective. They have been committed. To hilarious and unsettling entertainment. Throughout this millenium. Together, they authored the non-fiction e-pistolary techno-romantic novel Swoon.
Local poet-provocateur Erika Staiti will perform her live film renarration of a short scene from “Woman Under the Influence,” which premiered last month in the Los Angeles underground venue, Machine Project.
New York visual artist, montagist and poet Brandon Downing will premiere several disturbingly funny new video collages.
Nada is the author of Folly, V. Imp., Are Not Our Lowing Heifers Sleeker Than Night-Swollen Mushrooms?, and foreign bodie.
Gary’s books include PPL in a Depot, How to Proceed in the Arts, and Dead Man, as well as several comic books comprising his Elsewhere series.