Sunday, April 27, 2008, 8:00 pm, $6
Featuring: Tom Nunn homemade instruments, Karen Stackpole gongs, percussion, Kyle Bruckmann oboe, English horn, David Michalak lap steel, Andrew Voigt saxophones and Ann Dental – cello
This show will open with a candlelit set of music by GHOST IN THE HOUSE. Then, REEL CHANGE and GHOST IN THE HOUSE will perform live soundtracks for Death of a Hollywood Extra (1928), Ghosts Before Breakfast (1928) and a set of films by David Michalak including: Reaching For The Trigger, Regenbogen, See What You See and others.
David Michalak is celebrating over 30 years of filmmaking and plays avant lap steel guitar. He formed REEL CHANGE to perform soundtracks for his films in 1999 with Andrew Voigt (ROVA co-founder) and Tom Nunn (instrument builder, Tom Waits etc.) GHOST IN THE HOUSE was formed in 2004 with The Gongwoman Karen Stackpole, Kyle Bruckmann and Tom Nunn to perform movie music without the movies. Tonights show combines the 2 groups for maximum effect.