Artists' Television Access

Resist to Exist

Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 8:00 pm, $6

battle of mexico city

The Program:

Resistir Para Existir : La Lucha Cucapa (2007)
( Resist to Exist: the Cucapa Struggle)

+ Excerpts from “The Battle of Mexcio City” (2001)
Rage Against The Machine’s concert DVD with xtras including interviews with Zach de la Rocha, Noam Chomsky and Subcommandante Marcos.
+ current clips from the indigenous struggles in Oaxaca, Atenco, etc.
+ Alicia Garcia , Sabin Portillo with slide show and special guests to discuss the upcoming Encuentro de Pueblos Indigenas de America  ( the Gathering of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas) which will take place October 11th-14th October, 2007 in the community of Vícam, Yaqui Territory, Municipality of Guaymas, State of Sonora, Mexico.

“Resist To Exist” is a short doc, which illustrates how the Cucapa, an indigenous people from the community of El Mayor, Baja California, struggle to survive after the Colorado River disappeared and after the Mexican govt. has taken away their right to fish in the sea. A fishing community by tradition for the thousands of years, the Cucapa now face a life without water or food. However, their decision to continue as a people, heirs of an ancient culture, has led them to find various avenues to defend their rights. The Other Campaign and the Sixth Delegation of the EZLN, have committed themselves to this struggle in defense of the life, the culture and the nature of the Cucapa and Kiliwa people with the establishment of an encampment on indigenous, Baja Californian territory ( from feb. to april 2007). Produced by The Video Commisiion of la Otra en el Otro Lado Mexico 2007,17:56min.

” The Battle of Mexico City” is the document of Rage Against The Machine at the height of their musical and political force just prior to their initial disbanding, and now a perfect prelude to their reunion show in SF on the Rock The Bells Tour with Wu Tang Clan on Aug.18th. Directed by Joe DeMaio.

All proceeds benefit the EZLN and La Otra Campana.

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