A night of Resistance Documentary from the Heartland of America
Thursday, April 27, 2006, 8:00 pm, $5
Tazers and Lies: The truth about military recruitment lies somewhere between tazers and lies. (Official entry 2006 Athens International Film Festival). http://media.indypgh.org/uploads/2005/08/taser1_edit.mov
Divine Persecution: who has the power to oppress LGBT people�hate spouting homo-phobes or Ohio voters. (Official entry 2006 Minneapolis International Film Festival)
Voices From the Movement: A documentary from the streets of the U.S. Anti-War Movement. (Official entry Take Back Democracy film festival, soon to premiere on Free Speech TV)
Voices From the Movement was shot almost entirely on the streets during Anti-War protests around the country. The film opens dramatically in New York City on February 15, 2003 the largest day of international protest in world history, then travels around the country hearing testimony of intriguing folks over a two year period. And ends defiantly on the rooftops of Athens Ohio on April 5, 2005, on what is just another day of a long war.
www.mentalrev.com (in progress)