Sunday, August 7, 2005, 8:00 pm, $5
StreetLevel TV: Episode 16
Still haven’t seen StreetLevel TV yet? Now is your sweet 16th chance, don’t miss it! This month, StreetLevel TV brings you a cool breeze of independent news and information in these sweltering days of August. Okay, it’s the Bay Area and its rather chilly in August. But, these segments will make it seem hot anyways…
Sunny Angulo brings you the news from around your neighborhood and around the world. This month, we shot the newsdesk on location at Oakland’s Jack London Square. Lookout for a special glimpse of the hot G8 footage that everyone’s been talking about.
Luxomedia brings us a fabulous musical montage of Pride 2005.
Also, from Luxomedia is a report from the Biodiesel car show and information from the Berkeley Biodiesel Collective.
A. Mark Liiv brings us an update on the federal Grand Jury happening in the Bay Area, for which ten local activists have been subpoened.
Kent Howie and A. Mark Liiv report from the Mission Market. Their footage explores the up-side of capitalism, including unbelievable deals and really bad music.
We are proud to present another kickass segment from D.A.M.N, a youth media group from NYC. This month, D.A.M.N. reports on the consequences of the fashion industry on young people.
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