Artists' Television Access

MadCat Women’s International Film Festival : Out of the Past

Friday, September 26, 2003, 8:00 pm, $7-

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Out of the Past

With hope and strength, filmmakers depict characters that overcome difficult times.


Tonight’s program opens with live music by the Hulabillies.

Chickenshit Sarolta Jane Cump
20011:30 min b/w Beta SP US Filmmaker in Person!
Cump tells a disturbing and humorous story about a young girl¹s anticipation
of violence. Super-footage is hand-processed to obscure the image and in
turn explores ideals of safety.

Iron Mountain Jong Lim Ro
2003 9 min Color 16mm Korea San Francisco Premiere
Shot against the backdrop of Kang Won, Korea, Iron Mountain depicts the
lives of a community of modern-day miners. A woman of 45 lives with her
lover and child and tries to find peace and beauty in a violent
relationship. Her husband who abandoned her returns to town and proposes
they journey to Seoul together. Does she start a new life with an unreliable
man or stay in a morbid town with her lover?

Crying and Wanking Alys Hawkins
2002 6 min Color Beta SP UK US Premiere
An animated domestic drama about sex, shame and spending too much time
indoors. A story of loss in which a woman, alone, chews over a recently
ended relationship.

A Big Thing Like You Danielle Lombardi
2002 8 min Color 16mm US West Coast Premiere
Using found and original footage of an anonymous family, Lombardi comments
on the definitions of home. By hand-painting and re-photographing the film,
she reveals alienation, fear and desire, and, in turn, breaks down the
constructed views of family, self and sexuality.

Bandaid Krescent Carasso
2003 7 min Color Mini DV US
Using a poetic montage of images Carasso chronicles her own experiences in a
mental asylum as a young girl. Without sentimentality Bandaid reveals the
reality of living a monitored life as a ward of the state.

glimmer Maria Raponi
2002 3:50 min Color 16mm Canada US Premiere
Through lush optically-printed images, Raponi creates a moving texture which
dances across the screen allowing viewers to create their own narrative.
glimmer explores the precariousness of perception and the process of
navigating one¹s surroundings.

Downpour Resurfacing Frances Nkara
2002 28 min b/w 16mm US Northern California Premiere Filmmaker in Person!
A surprisingly uplifting film, Downpour Resurfacing conveys Robert Hall’s
rekindled sense of self and strength as he recounts his childhood abuse. A
noted Buddhist teacher, innovative psychiatrist and poet, Hall tells viewers
of his experiences with exceptional clarity. Nkara uses her own images and
beautifully manipulated found footage to reveal Hall¹s strength and rebirth.

Into the Shadow Heekyung Shin
2002 2 min Color 16mm US Northern California Premiere Filmmaker in Person!
Shin uses sand animation (manipulated directly under the camera) to tell of
a young girl who overcomes her fear of the dark.

”MadCat tests, expands, and evolves the traditional, politically
motivated, 20th Century definition of the women¹s film festival.” (The
Independent Film and Video Monthly)
415 436-9523

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