Two Films to End the Occupation
Friday, August 16, 2002, 8:00 pm, $5-
It Is No Dream, 53 minutes, 2002, a documentary film by Benny
Brunner and Joseph Rochlitz, English and Hebrew (English Subtitles)
Some of the harshest critics of Israel’s occupation policies are Israelis themselves- a small minority of intellectuals, political activists and artists whose voices are rarely heard outside Israel. Shortly before the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian War of March 2002, filmmakers Brunner and Rochlitz spoke to a number of them. They also recorded the fiery words of one of the first signers of the letter of refusal to serve in the Occupied Territories, Yishai Rosen-Tzvi: “Fighting against terrorism? What a joke! Government and army policies create a hothouse for terrorism….. It is forbidden to treat men, women and children like dirt. The more people understand it, the sooner there will be an end to this cursed occupation.”
The Right to a Home and a Homeland, 20 minutes, 2002, a film
directed by Amir Terkel and produced by Donna Baranski-Walker. English
What motivates a family to rebuild after their house has been torn down for the 5th time? A small and growing number of Israeli, Palestinian and international peace advocates are saying “no!” to the Occupation by defying one of its most insidious tools: house demolitions. Terkel and Baranski-Walker, of California media organization Just Peace Technologies, examine the organized rebuilding of demolished Palestinian homes as an act of civil disobedience, constructively, rather than destructively resisting the Israeli occupation.
Curated by the American Friends Service Committee,