Artists' Television Access

Other Cinema: PSYCHO GEO1

Saturday, September 16, 2017, 8:30 pm, $7

 CYRUS TABAR + BILL DANIEL + SAM GREEN + Apropos of our ongoing obsession with sense-of-place, this plucky program points particularly to the rapidly shrinking periphery for Bay Area subcultures. Prodigal son Cyrus Tabar appears in person for the world theatrical premiere of his Masochism of the Margins, the true story of a feisty alternative live/work space (ATA!) holding its ground against Mission gentrification—shot in the very gallery it screens in! Jason Blalock’s In the Wake of Ghost Shiprelates the fate of a sister collective in RichmondBurnt Ramen, that was swept away in the post-inferno paranoia. The backstory of another victim—Lonestar Swan, the legendary Adobe Books Birdman—is detailed in Roger Wolfe’s Schizophrenia. And speaking of “legendary”—Bill (Bozo Texino) Daniel rhapsodizes on another lost edge of the City, Bayshore, also premiering in its new sound version! Vero Majano’s now-classic Calle Chula strikes another melancholy note, a lyrical cry for a neighborhood being bleached to death. PLUS: Sam (Weather UndergroundGreen pays his own respects with two graveyard dirges, Vallejo’s lot 63, grave c and the just-finished Julius Caesar Was Buried in a Pet Cemetery. BONUS: Premiere of pre-school superstar Tala Brecke‘s (in person) The Drive Day and pre-show busking by Russ Forster, to Anthony Buchanan‘s S8 love letter to ATA!!

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