Artists' Television Access

RECONNECT: A Film on Cell Phones and the Health Effects

Saturday, July 28, 2012, 8:00 pm


There are 6 billion cell phones worldwide but what do we really know about the effects of this revolutionary technology? RECONNECT exposes the shocking truth behind the research on the long-term health effects from cell phone radiation including brain tumors and infertility. Through extensive research and interviews with the world’s leading doctors, politicians, and cell phone companies,

RECONNECT traces the rise of an unregulated industry and uncovers the detrimental relationships which have debased corporate responsibility. The documentary includes interviews with experts from the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Apple Inc., Virgin Mobile, California’s Environmental Protection Agency, the Cellular Telecommunications Internet Association, and researchers from Yale, Harvard, Stanford, USC, UCLA, and UCSF.  Directed by Kevin Kunze (in person), 90 minutes – HD Color – English.