Artists' Television Access

Periwinkle Cinema: “Something Queer…” with Fembot, Young + LaBruce!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 8:00 pm, $6

Pre-Screening features music videos from queer artists! Films start at 8:30!

Together People – 25 min. Film by Gary Fembot (Gary Gregerson) – Vulgar people, sadistic people, ripped-off people…wherever and whenever people are coming apart, you’ll find them – the Together People. World premiere!

Intermission – 10 min. with hella gay door prizes! (intermission clip by Bob Mizer/AMG Studios)

The Worm Episode 8 – 10 min.
 An episodic prog rock existential crisis by Austin Young, starring comedienne Nadya Ginsburg – Cher, Madonna, Britney, Winona Ryder and a housewife from Brooklyn discuss their feelings about The Worm in a panel discussion hosted by Gloria Steinem.

The Bad Breast or The Strange Case of Theda Lange – 25 min. by Bruce LaBruce – “The Bad Breast or The Strange Case of Theda Lange … was inspired by the life and theoretical writings of Melanie Klein, one of the psychoanalytic thinkers who interpreted Freud’s work after his death (the other main figure was Freud’s daughter, Anna Freud, who was Klein’s arch-rival). The Bad Breast starred the two co-stars of my movie Otto or Up with Dead People, Susanne Sachsse, as a neurotic, nymphomaniacal stage actress who is sexually fixated on her own son, and Katharina Klewinghaus, who plays her repressed Kleinian psychoanalyst. The piece also featured Vaginal Davis and Nando Messias, among other awesome performance artists. …I used video footage shot with the Digital Harinezumi camera, a tiny Japanese toy camera that makes footage that looks like Super 8mm. My assistant, Alejandro Duran, shot and edited the footage and I directed it.” ~ Bruce LaBruce interviewed in Dazed Digital


Images – Top: : still from The Worm by Austin Young. Bottom: still from The Bad Breast by Bruce LaBruce.