Artists' Television Access

Blondes in the Jungle

Thursday, April 16, 2009, 8:00 pm, $6

blondes in the Jungle

Blondes in the Jungle is the new art-film/comedy by Lev Kalman and Whitney Horn (Ball Deep International). On a hunt for the Fountain of Youth, three teenagers in 1980’s Honduras buy drugs, harm nature and have magical encounters. Tons of landscape footage, a meditation on Mayan Archaeology and a heavy TV teen vibe highlight this impulse-buy spiritual adventure. Original soundtrack by 1987 World Beat band El Jefe and The Executive Look. Starring Chino Ward, Coogan Martin, Travis Nutting, Trevor Hoff, Andre Frechette III and Ingrid Schram. 16mm, color, 50 min.

 info at 

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