Friday, April 26, 8pm, $7 & up

ATA and Ladyfest Bay Area Present:
Ladies love Trannys!

Doors Open at 7:30 with Club KY Djs Spike & Jacob

An evening of film and video celebrating Ladies and their multi-faceted love affairs with trannys.

This evening of film will benefit Ladyfest Bay Area 2002's debut! Put together with the generous support of Tranny Fest: transgendered film festival, (, this program includes stories of all kinds of ladies interacting of with all types of trannys. Straight or queer, children and adults, ladies and trannys share complex intersections of community, desire and attraction. This evening's films are a snapshot of how our gender performances are mirrored and contrasted with our individual concepts of "lady identity".


It's a Boy!, Dir. Marla Leech (2001)
The tale of three Females becoming Males, including interviews with their partners and dates along for the voyage. Showing with a new music video (2002) featuring local rock icon, Mr. Amy Simpson.

The Ride, Dir. Bill Basquin (2000)
Intentions, like genders, are never easy to decipher. Sometimes, even when the Ladies aren't sure just what kind of a "guy" you are, they'll still throw a come on you way, ripe with all the usual ambiguous motivations.

Life's a Butch, Dir. Rosser Goodman (2000)
Gender bending goes into over drive. A fed up femme who goes for girls tries on butch as a dating technique and ends up w-?

As well as other exciting offerings sure to entrance and entertain!

Get Involved!
Ladyfest Bay Area Film & Video Committee still needs you! Become a volunteer by coming to a regular meeting, every Monday night, 7:30pm at ATA, 992 Valencia St. For questions, email [email protected].

For more info about Ladyfest Bay Area 2002, visit