Artists' Television Access

Remembering Rwanda.

Recognizing Sudan.

Thursday, January 1, 1970, 12:00 am


Michael Lee, an attorney serving on the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and Mark Brecke, a crimes-against-humanity documentary photographer featured in SF Weekly “Art from War” article, come together to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, which claimed nearly a million lives in a matter of months. They will present their unique projects in this country, including evidence of U.S.’s complicity in the genocide, followed by joining Dr. Alexandre Kimenyi, an Ethnics Studies Professor at Cal State Sacramento, and Milthilde Mukantabana, the President of the non profit organization Friends of Rwanda, for a round table discussion on how remembering Rwanda can empower us as community members to respond to the crisis in Sudan and help deter future genocides.


Open to all community members. Donations will go to Friends of Rwanda, which provides funds for the generation of orphans left behind.


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