Artists' Television Access

04MAR07 Playlist

Hugo Ball Room Drive-by Nanocinema, blocked by PIPES

Thursday, January 1, 1970, 12:00 am

Hugo Ball Robot
Hugo Ball

Vertical Roll by Joan Jonas
19 min. video (1972)

two by Gary Hill

Site Recite
4 min. video (1989)
28 min. (1985-86)

Vasulkas excerpts
Discs, No. 25, C-Trend, Voice Windows, Art of Memory

Sonic Fiction
12 Synesthetic Videos from Austria

The Playhouse (1921) by Buster Keaton

Yes, the enormous sewer pipes are still parked 10 feet high in the gutter, providing a horizontal improvised trash bin, as well as a sort of bench at some points to view the free images silently projected onto the display window.

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